We Love Our Members. And We Thank You!

We're Celebrating YOU!

It's almost time for our annual Branch Bash! Our members are at the heart of everything we do. It's why every year, we like to take the time to let you know just how much we enjoy serving you. Stop by and enjoy free coffee in the am, lunch, complimentary credit union goodies and chances to win give-a-ways!


Here's the Skinny

In Rouses Point


Friday, June 27th, 2025


More Details to Come


Rouses Point Branch
72 Champlain Street

We'll be setup on the lawn of Cornerstone Drug & Gift.

*Cornerstone Customers are welcome! *

In Plattsburgh


Friday, June 20th, 2025


More Details to Come 


Plattsburgh Main Branch

274 Rugar Street

Everything will be setup at the front of our building. Parking will not be accessible in the front during Branch Bash, so please park in the back parking lot. Also, please be cautious of our team and members who may be walking.


Branch Bash Details

To ensure that we can serve everyone, we ask that you please be mindful of the following:
  • First come, First serve.
  • There will be complimentary credit union swag (while supplies last) and chances to win give-a-ways!

We hope you'll come by and hang with us! We truly love what we do and having the opportunity to build relationships with members like you, only makes it that much more rewarding. We THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts!


Please feel free to reach out to the Marketing team with any questions.

Reach Out to the Marketing team